Varicose Vein Treatment Adelaide: Varicose Vein Treatment Near Me

Varicose veins are enlarged dilated blood vessels with a bluish-purple appearance. Varicose veins form when the one-way valves within the veins fail to function correctly.

Surgical treatment is an option for significant surface varicose veins. This involves making numerous small incisions and pulling the affected vein out.

Sclerotherapy uses micro-injections of a specialised formula into the unwanted abnormal veins. This causes a change in the vein lining, and the body gradually absorbs the old vein. For more varicose vein treatment Adelaide near me, click here.


varicose vein treatment AdelaideSclerotherapy is a time-tested procedure that has been used for over a hundred years. It involves injecting a solution into varicose veins to cause them to collapse and eventually disappear. This treatment works well for many people. Injections are made using a fine needle that causes little pain except for a pinprick sensation. Injections are given to a few veins at a time and can be repeated as needed.

During the procedure, your doctor will clean and stretch the area of the skin where the injections will be made. They will use ultrasound technology to help pinpoint the location of the affected veins. After the procedure, you will put on compression bandages and stockings. Your doctor will also advise you to avoid direct sun exposure.

Sclerotherapy effectively reduces the appearance of large varicose and spider veins and painful leg symptoms such as skin sensitivity, aching and burning. However, it is not recommended if you are pregnant or have an underlying blood clotting disorder. The side effects of sclerotherapy include a rash and brown lines at the injection site. If these symptoms do not go away, talk to your doctor. They may be able to recommend a different treatment for you. For more varicose vein treatment Adelaide near me, click here.

Endovenous Laser Treatment

A minimally invasive varicose vein treatment near me uses laser energy to treat varicose veins in the legs. EVLT removes the need for surgery and hospitalisation and has been shown to cause significantly less pain, tenderness and bruising than conventional surgical incisions.

A catheter is inserted into the affected varicose vein, and the faulty vein is then obliterated (closed) with heat energy from the Nd: YAG laser. The body then reabsorbs the defective vein. The procedure can be carried out in a clinic under local anaesthetic and is typically performed with ultrasound guidance.

You can resume most activities straight away after the procedure. However, it is recommended that you avoid standing for long periods and air travel, and you should also wear compression socks during the recovery period to help aid circulation.

Bruising and tenderness may occur for a week or two after the procedure but should clear quickly. Most patients find that their varicose veins have disappeared within a week of the process. However, it is essential to note that a patient’s genetics and lifestyle determine whether other varicosities will develop over time.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Varicose veins are knobbly, twisted, darkish-blue in appearance and are caused by faulty valves within the veins that allow blood to pool. These enlarged veins are often unsightly but can generate various symptoms, including heaviness and leg pain. For more varicose vein treatment Adelaide near me, click here.

Minimally invasive treatment solutions have advanced dramatically over the last twenty years, allowing people to avoid surgery – which requires general anaesthetic, hospital stays and significant downtime. Varicose veins can be treated using ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation.

Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy involves scanning the venous system with ultrasound to identify the faulty varicose veins and injecting them with a sclerosant solution. The sclerosant destroys the lining of the varicose vein, and the body eventually converts the damaged vein to scar tissue. This process is known as telangiectasiasis and reduces the varicose veins’ appearance, although it does not remove the symptoms.

Radiofrequency ablation, known as radiofrequency neurotomy or rhizotomy, is a minimally invasive procedure to reduce chronic neck and back pain from small nerves that transmit pain signals to the spine from facet joints. The method commonly treats lumbar and cervical (neck) vertebrae pain. It can also treat pain in the knees, hips and shoulders.